how to celebrate international women's day at workhow to celebrate international women's day at work

Guide to International Women’s Day celebrations at work

Sahil Rais Rasiuddin
4 minutes

International Women's Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women worldwide. In this compact guide for organizations, we’ll explore the why, what, and how of celebrating International Women’s Day at work.

Why do we celebrate International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year to acknowledge and spotlight the unique challenges women face and overcome in different parts of the world. Organizations and civic society come together on this day in a show of support and commitment towards women’s rights and issues such as gender equity, autonomy, access to education, and violence against women.

For organizations, it’s an opportunity to 

  • Spotlight trailblazing female leaders and inspire employees to realize their potential.
  • Create societal impact that improves outcomes for underserved women in local communities through volunteering and fundraisers.
  • Formulate and launch women-centric initiatives through collaboration with stakeholders such as women ERGs to address issues such as workplace flexibility, career advancement, and diversity in hiring.    

When is International Women’s Day celebrated and what’s the theme for 2024?

International Women’s Day is celebrated globally every year on March 8. This year’s theme is “Invest in Women: Accelarate Progress.” The theme aims to address the widening socioeconomic gap and calls for investment in women's progress which benefits us all.

When was International Women’s Day created? 
International Women’s Day celebrations date back to 1909 when it was first celebrated in the US on February 28th and was termed “National Women’s Day.” It was during the International Women’s Year in 1975 that the United Nations celebrated March 8 as International Women’s Day.

How to celebrate International Women's Day at work?

While Goodera powers purposeful employee engagement for organizations round the year towards various women’s causes, we do see a spike in interest and participation during Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. To help organizations plan and celebrate this movement in 2024, we have curated ideas that are high on impact and fun and engaging for employees.

International Women's Day activities and events

Top 7 Ideas to Celebrate International Women’s Day at Work 

Give back to local communities

1. Volunteer activities for International Women’s Day:

Volunteering your time is the most meaningful way to appreciate the contributions of women around us. There are various volunteering activities organizations participate in to keep the spirit of International Women’s Day alive.

Some activities include:

  • Mentoring young women

 Share your skills, knowledge, and experiences to help someone else grow and break the glass ceiling.   

  • Educating young girls about STEM fields

Support educational programs that spark curiosity and inspire interest in STEM-based learning among young girls this International Women's Day.

  • Improving financial literacy among young women

Provide young women and girls with insights into personal finance and money management to unlock a brighter, secure future for themselves.

  • Making women's health and hygiene accessible 

Create hygiene kits and self-help resources for underserved women to improve access to vital information about women's health.

Not sure how to go about planning? <rte-link_business-popup>Talk to an expert<rte-link_business-popup> from Goodera. 

Employee Engagement Activities for International Women’s Day:

2. Women's History Month Trivia

Women’s History Month Trivia is a fun way to celebrate Women’s Day. The game can be played in teams or individually and can include questions on notable women in various fields, such as politics, science, arts, and sports. This activity can help employees gain greater appreciation for the role that women have and continue to play in shaping our world.


3. Make thank-you videos

Organizations can create thank you videos to acknowledge women co-workers. This is a personalized way of appreciating employees and helps create a supportive workplace culture.

4. International Women’s Day Bingo

This activity typically features a bingo card with categories related to women’s history and achievements, such as influential women, women’s rights, and women of different businesses. Participants mark learned squares and the first person to fill a row or complete the entire card is declared the winner. This is a fun activity for organizations to educate employees about the important roles women have played in our history. 

5. Reading Circles

Reading Circles promote visibility, and appreciation of women’s voices, perspectives, and their contributions to the world. Participants have the opportunity to discuss their perspective and the important themes or issues that the piece addresses.

Reading List for International Women’s Day 2024

Lean In

Lift as you Climb: Women and the Art of Ambition


6. Women’s Day Party

Hosting a party is a fun way to celebrate this occasion. Teams or Women ERGs can block an hour or two on everyone’s calendar where colleagues and friends can gather, this can be done virtually or in-person, and engage them in activities.

Here are some activities for women’s day party

  • Play games such as scavenger hunts and charades.
  • Hold a lottery with prizes.
  • Create a playlist of songs by women musicians.
  • Host a crafting session to create and send thank-you cards to women coworkers.
  • Wear purple to mark the day.

7. Attend Online Summits or Panel Events

Workshops and summits are great engagement opportunities for female employees to learn from women’s experiences and gain expert insights on topics such as leadership and career advancement. By conducting or sponsoring these events, organizations can nurture employee talent and create a supportive work culture among women employees.

Attention  ERGs!
Whether you're already a member of a Women's Employee Resource Group (ERG) seeking a year-round activity plan or looking to establish one at your workplace, we got you covered. Explore our dedicated page featuring engaging and empowering  Women's ERG activities. Additionally, don't miss our comprehensive Guide to Women's ERGs, designed to help you enhance or establish a successful ERG for women in your organization.

International Women’s Day is a great time to celebrate and acknowledge women’s contributions to society. Whether it is in a professional or non-professional setting, organizations can take time out of their workday to appreciate this occasion, and participate in activities, competitions, and fun activities. Since most businesses are working on this day, organizations must give this event the attention it deserves. 

Goodera wishes you luck for your International Women’s Day 2024 campaign!

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