Revive, Rejuvenate, Reforest!

Planting 1 Mn sq m of green cover
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A CSR program compliant as per Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013, clause (iv) ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water 


India has lost nearly 1.6 million hectares of forest cover over the past two decades, contributing to higher pollution and increased carbon emissions.

Increased Air Pollution
  • Urban areas are experiencing record-high levels of air pollution, necessitating increased green spaces
  • Hazardous AQI causes increased respiratory diseases and compromised immunity in children and senior citizens
  • Traditional efforts to reduce air pollution are labor and cost-intensive and require specific conditions, making them less accessible for widespread community involvement
Decreased Green Cover
  • Decreasing green cover and urbanization contribute to environmental degradation
  • Common afforestation efforts are costly, unsustainable, and not centered around native vegetation, risking harm to the natural biodiversity of the area
  • Urban areas have become heat islands and pose challenges to human health and biodiversity
Lack of awareness
  • Lack of environmental education in schools 
  • Growing detachment from nature and a lack of understanding of ecological issues
  • Need for early intervention to foster lifelong sustainable habits and environmental responsibility


Planting 1 Mn sq m of green cover

Increasing Green Cover to Improve Ecological Sustainability

Promote environmental sustainability by expanding green spaces and enhancing natural habitats.

Enhancing Sensitization
and Awareness

Increase children's understanding of environmental concepts and issues through interactive gameplay and planter kits.

and more...

Impact so far

Regreened 43k+

Sq feet

In 14


To impact 175k

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Success StorY

Success Story: Enhancing Community Wellbeing Through Green India


CSR Program for a global product engineering and digital services company
Regreening 7000+ sq. m of green cover across 6+ locations.
12,800 +
Lives impacted by planting