The Future of Event Marketing: 7 Trends to Stay Ahead in 2023!The Future of Event Marketing: 7 Trends to Stay Ahead in 2023!

The Future of Event Marketing: 7 Trends to Stay Ahead in 2023!

Aditi Dash
3 minutes

The post-pandemic world has been a catalyst for exciting and surprising changes in the event industry. Companies, event organizers, and event marketers are adapting to newer and more innovative ways to make corporate events more meaningful as well as fun. 

There has been a noticeable shift in team structures with a growing focus on remote work and digital collaboration. Sustainability has become a big focus for many companies, with an increased emphasis on reducing carbon footprints and adopting eco-friendly practices. People are seeking purpose, meaning and fulfilment in their jobs, as well as working for organizations that align with their values and beliefs. Employees are also driven to social causes and are looking for companies that actively support causes that include promoting diversity and inclusion, contributing to community development initiatives and so on.

With these new trends in the workforce and what engages them, here are 7 event marketing trends that can help you create more engaging and memorable experiences for your attendees:

Blend the Best of Both Worlds: Organize Hybrid Events

Blend the Best of Both Worlds: Organize Hybrid Events

Hybrid events have become popular in recent years, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as they allow organizers to reach a wider audience and provide more flexibility to attendees. They gained popularity due to advancements in technology, particularly in the areas of video conferencing, live streaming, and virtual event platforms that allow live presentations, panel discussions, and networking events for both remote and in-person attendees.

Arranging a hybrid event requires careful planning and coordination between the in-person and virtual components of the event. This would include :

  • Selecting a venue that can accommodate both in-person and virtual attendees
  • Selecting the right technology platform for live streaming and online sessions
  • Designing the event schedule and content to ensure that both in-person and virtual attendees have a meaningful experience.

Facts: According to a survey by Bizzabo, 97% of event marketers believe that hybrid events will play a key role in the future of the industry. (Source)

Volunteer to Make a Difference

Volunteering can be an effective event marketing strategy that can benefit both the community and the organization. Volunteering booths at events can help highlight corporate purpose, engage with the community, and contribute to social causes. Here are some ways in which volunteering can add value to an event:

  • Ice breakers: Volunteering activities can serve as effective ice breakers and help attendees connect. This can be especially useful for events that have a large number of attendees or are focused on networking.
  • Environmentally-friendly events: Volunteering for environmental causes can help organizers make their events more sustainable and environmentally friendly. These activities can include - waste reduction, recycling, making the event zero-waste, offsetting the carbon footprint of the event, and other sustainability initiatives.
  • Aligning with the purpose of the event: If your event is for a social cause volunteering activities can align with the purpose of the event or the theme to reinforce the event's messaging and goals. These activities can be centred around that particular cause and organize the event accordingly. 
  • Engaging/impactful breaks: Breaks can be made more engaging and impactful for attendees by adding volunteering activities in it. For example, Instead of just taking a break, attendees can participate in a volunteering activity that aligns with the purpose of the event and creates a positive social impact.

At Goodera we help organizers and event marketers bring social impact to their events by offering a hassle-free volunteering plug-in and curating and executing volunteering activities for social causes. 

Revolutionize Event Experiences through AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Naturally, corporate events and conferences are also increasingly becoming AI driven. Event marketers are delivering personalised experiences for guests by integrating data and AI technology. Here are some ways AI personalization can help enhance your events: 

  • Use AI-powered chatbots to guide participants through the event
  • Provide personalized recommendations for customer service, user experience, etc.
  • Use facial recognition technology to personalize interactions and experiences for attendees.
  • Provide personalized product recommendations or promotions for exhibitors and sponsors based on their data and behaviour. 
  • Offer real-time assistance

This can help you in increasing engagement, improve attendee satisfaction, and generate more leads by providing relevant content, personalized experiences, real-time interaction, and customized follow-up. 

Green is the New Black

According to a survey conducted by MeetGreen in 2019, 71% of event planners are willing to pay more for sustainable event practices. In recent years more people have come to recognise the importance of sustainability and are moving forward with the idea of living in harmony with the natural world rather than constantly exploiting it for their benefit.  

Implementing sustainable practices as an event marketing strategy can help reduce the environmental impact of your event. Here are some ways to make your event more environment friendly: 

  • Organize a zero-waste event 
  • Volunteering for activities such as planting trees, cleaning up natural habitats, or supporting sustainable practices can help to offset the carbon emissions that result from hosting the event.
  • Using eco-friendly materials, such as recyclable or biodegradable products and sourcing locally-grown food can help reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Use eco-friendly decor options such as reusable or recycled materials, or natural and biodegradable decorations.
  • Give away sustainable gifts or products that are made from recycled materials or are reusable, such as reusable water bottles, tote bags, or bamboo utensils.

At Goodera, we help you volunteer with non-profit organizations (NPOs) that work towards reducing the impact of climate change and contribute towards making events more eco-friendly.

Collaborate with local communities

An increasingly popular event marketing trend is partnering with local community organizations and non-profits! By teaming up with these groups, you can tap into their expertise and resources to create a truly impactful event. They can help bring cause-driven events into action. These events will focus on connecting with your target audience by:

  • Promoting a cause that is important to them
  • Showcasing your brand values by aligning your event with a social or environmental cause and demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact.
  • Generating positive publicity by raising awareness about your event and your cause.
  • Attracting sponsors and partners who are interested in supporting your cause and aligning their brand with a socially responsible event.
  • Building loyalty among attendees who share a common cause or passion and are more likely to become repeat customers or advocates for your brand.

Use the Social Media Magic

Use the Social Media Magic

According to a study conducted by Influencer Marketing Hub, 97.89% of people surveyed say the ROI from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other marketing channels. So go on and put that social media to work in creating a buzz for your event! 

Partner with influencers with a large following through social media and tap into their audience to promote your event. Create reels, live-stream your event, promote your key speakers, interact with your followers, post virtual tours of the venue, and keep followers updated in real time.

Step into the VR World

VR can be used as an event marketing trend to create immersive experiences that transport attendees to a different world, time, or place. This can help to enhance the overall event experience, increase engagement, and leave a lasting impression on attendees. Here are a few ways in which you can use the source of VR:

  • Provide attendees with virtual product demos, allowing attendees to experience the product in a virtual environment.
  • Create games or challenges that are related to the event or the brand. This can help create a fun and interactive experience.
  • Create immersive and interactive simulations that help attendees learn and retain information more effectively.

That’s a wrap on exciting event marketing trends that you can incorporate into your upcoming events to make them more successful and worthwhile. Do you notice an event marketing trend we forgot to mention? Write to us at

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